Saturday, April 28, 2018

Doily Safari

This week: 
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I had to go on the hunt for this challenge. After moving this past fall, everything landed in not-so-convenient places and spaces. A doily wasn't a necessity so that, my friends, was the elusive animal!

Awww! So sorry to say I didn't find this cute animal while searching for the doily creature but...
He is CUTE!!

I did finally locate the doily in its natural habitat. A plastic storage bin with handle and it was locked in safe and secure, 
safe as a bug in a rug if you will ;)
(Only it's not a bug and the bin isn't really a rug...)

It was a gold breed of the fancy doily and I'm pretty sure someone gifted it to me. 
(If that was you, I deeply regret not feeding and taking care of it as I should, but take heart that it's still as sparkly as when I first got it.)

Not the exact doily I had, but close!
(For those that fall in love with the sparkle and just have to have it!)

At the end of my hunt, I subdued the creature on a 6x6 white cardstock base and added punch out flowers of red pattern paper and a few from Yupo Paper that had been alcohol inked.

(You can check out the alcohol ink series HERE)
Each video is linked in the description box of #4 

I crinkled the gorgeous species to make room for the "miracle" fluttering out of the magical garden!
(See the card sentiment, it'll make more sense!)
(Umm. I think you can just click on the photo to make it larger if you're old like me and your cheaters aren't strong enough!)

Enjoy your day and join me in a challenge!
The hunt begins here!
Where's your doily?

When I need certain supplies I turn to Amazon because they have a great range of supplies, in one place
that's easy to navigate, and I am able to find what I need with ease. I am part of various affiliate programs
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Thank you!
Jen xoxo

1 comment:

  1. hahah! I love your story and you card turned out just perfect! Great job!!! Love all your pretty accents! :) hanks for joining us at Creative Knockouts this week! Good luck!

    Jess - DT
